AMBA Lite Bus

AMBA Lite Bus


Single-master AHB system: AHB-Lite

A simple single-master AHB system (AHB-Lite) is modified from the AHB system on ARM Logic Module as an example. The original tri-state bidirectional signals (SDATA, HDATA, HREADY) in Logic Module’s AHB system are modified into pairs of input and output signals. AHB-Lite does not support burst transfer because it was originally designed to use only ZBT(Zero Bus Turn-around) SRAM, therefore burst transfer is not necessary. Moreover, since there’s only one single master in AHB-Lite, therefore there is no arbiter module. Hence bus request and bus grant signal are also not necessary in single-master systems like AHB-Lite.



On-chip bus is the communication backbone in SoCs. Data and control messages are passed through on-chip bus to all computational units and peripheral devices connected on the bus. This lab demonstrates on-chip bus using a simple AHB system as an example. This single- master AHB system is similar to the AHB system which resides on Logic Module. You will learn the followings in this lab:

  1. Understand how a simple AHB system works.
  2. Be able to add a new AHB slave to an AHB system.
  3. Know the check list to check bus protocol compliance